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Artists We Love

By: Stefani Clark

For our inaugural Blossom Artist Collective collab, we teamed up with Phoenix-based graphic designer and illustrator Sage Aune. Sagepizza x Blossom Artist Collective is only available here, which was inspired by everything that brings joy to the creative and those around her. Aside from offering Sagepizza's designs on products we want to have, we also value the importance of supporting artists for their work. It's all about inspiring women every day.

For my birthday last year, the only thing I asked for were mugs. Just tons of quirky, cute mugs. Now, my kitchen cabinet is lined with mugs of all shapes and sizes, patterns and pictures. I truly believe you can never have too many. The best perk of owning so many mugs is how much better they make me feel in the morning — I just can’t have a bad day when it starts with some hot coffee in a pug mug, or relaxing tea in a Ninja Turtles mug.

I also believe in words of encouragement to start the day, whether it’s a mantra you stick by or some self-affirmations. It seemed like there couldn’t possibly be a more perfect way to start my day than with my mugs and some good vibes. I was wrong, because I found the ultimate combination of both — the “Everything Will Be OK” mug.

Shop Sagepizza's entire collection here.

Better mornings didn’t even seem possible, but being able to use a mug with some encouragement on it is the best thing to happen to me. I get to add another mug to my ever-growing collection, and every time I take a sip of some steaming caffeine, I see that “Everything Will Be OK” right on the mug. And I believe it.

Having my mug root for me in the mornings is amazing, especially when I’m really in a rut and my own pep talk just isn’t enough for me. And honestly, everything really will be OK, just as long as I don’t have to face the world before the mug is filled with a bit (a lot) of coffee.

Shop a few of our Sagepizza favorites below! 

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