DIY Lapel Pin Kit


Shrinky Dinks get a hip upgrade. Color, bake, and make lapel pins and accessories with this kit that includes 18 shrink plastic designs, 6 colored pencils, and 18 lapel pin backs.


About the Maker

Yellow Owl Workshop is a collection of artful unique craft, paper and jewelry designed by author and designer Christine Schmidt. After a youth spent on the plains of Kansas City and art school in Washington D.C., Christine and her husband Evan moved west to San Francisco, where, fueled by black tea and public radio, Yellow Owl Workshop was born. Current day Yellow Owl Workshop now bustles with a team of hard-working ladies in a sunny Mission district studio. Though the company has grown, the original values of expert attention to detail, ecological awareness and premium U.S. made materials are evident in every product. Legend says if you hold a stamp set really closely you can probably still smell the Earl Gray and hear a "Radio Lab" episode.